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Mythvale Tactics is a pretty good game, although I didn't realize in my gameplay you could upgrade mana. When I was done, I saw in comments that it's an option.


Hey daedron! Glad you enjoyed the game. Thank you for the feedback, I'll try to make the upgrades more clear in the next patches.


The 11 difficult stage just overrun me. I had a tanky paladin build and not enough damage throughput.


Great game with good replayability. Each class has a couple of really strong combos which makes it fun to try out each one.

Some thoughts around balance:

-Regular runes aren't great, They seem too expensive to buy and as rewards I found myself just selling them immediately and only ever buying/equiping the unique items.

-Necromancer items don't always seem to propogate to skeletons (e.g poison rune doesn't apply to summons)

-It would be good to have a "pay to refresh shop" so you can search for specific items.

-Might be interesting to add non-combat encounters. E.g wandering shop, choose an upgrade

-It would be good to add a stat that reduces the time it takes to respawn a new unit so you could add more strategies like spamming 1mana warriors and priests 


Thank you for such a detailed response! We are glad you had fun with the game, you are welcome to come over to our discord, we would love to hear what builds/heros you were using and how far did you get :)

You have some interesting suggestions here, and you are right about all of them, indeed normal runes need some more work, unique items don't transfer to summons at the moment, "pay to refresh shop"- great idea. We are already working on the next update that might include some of your suggestions :)

(2 edits) (+2)

Super fun game! Played for a couple of hours yesterday and today. Joined the Discord and learned I actually beat the game (Behemoth's lair is the last level in case you're wondering). The dev is friendly and working on new updates, looking forward to coming back!

A few helpful tips:

1. Prioritize the mana upgrades in shop. They are permanent (this wasn't clear to me when I read the description), and make a huge difference.

2. Don't think too much about the non-legendary items, they'll be replaced sooner or later.

3. Pyromancer is OP, I got mine to 390 dmg. With barrier + 2 blocks item + Priest as support, this guy just melts everything and doesn't die. The barrier is super key because it prevents knockbacks while it's up. In comparison, berserker gets stunned or knocked back a lot more, which limits damage.

4. IMO, Priest is the best starting class, so I'd recommend trying a few runs to unlock Priest and start a run with Priest.

5. AOE dmg in the form of Berserker's whirlwind or item that has 4th strike is flamestrike (an AOE bomb) is great for clearing lanes. The AOE actually hits additional top and bottom lanes.


Thank you so much for the review! It was a pleasure having you over at the discord channel for an in-depth chat. We have some really cool updates cooking and we’re definitely considering your suggestions :) See you back soon

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome game! It is very challenging and requires very good decision making to progress through the levels. I chose the archer hero on my first run but was a really tough choice, the paladin looked like a solid choice as well. I really want to try all the heroes, will definitely give it another run soon.

Cool game. I unlocked the Necromancer and tried to finish the game but it was too difficult for me , you kind of get overwhelemed all of a sudden. Recommended, but you probably need some experience in strategy/ RPG games to beat it